Wednesday, February 17, 2016

PICKING UP THE PIECES, STARTING AGAIN this time with the help of Susan Peirce Thompson & BRIGHT LINE EATING

i didn't think i could start again.

i had done everything i could think of to beat obesity, lentils, veggies, turmeric, garlic, no sugar or flour (or at least that much) and i even got a food coach/nutritionist.

i wrote a frickin' blog about it: what i ate, how i ate, what i drank and what i could no longer drink. i juiced, i walked, i swam, i sweat and all along the way pouring my little heart out, every win! every failure.... and I LOST 30LBS....S L O W L Y!

and then one day the thought of keeping it all up, endlessly forever overtook me with hopelessness.  the binges started small and infrequent, but increased in number and severity.

My dear friend Lynn. An inspiration in so many ways.

AND all the while i would talk to my dear friend (Lynn) on the phone, who was also struggling with her own food issues 2000 miles away. she was "raw" when i first met her,  then vegan and then "mcdougall"( we talked about everything and laughed and cried at our successes and failures.
a year later she started talking about "bright line eating" and this woman named Susan Peirce Thompson. i was skeptical. this friend seemed so much more capable of maintaining rigid food regiments than i was. when she described the program to me it thought she was on to the next crazy solution that would come and go. but she kept on talking and i kept on listening and eventually i began to understand that this was not a diet plan, it was a life plan that could help me become what i so desperately wanted, needed, to become: healthy, thin and free.

TODAY is my second day on the program. 
i feel great. but more importantly i feel confident that this IS DOABLE! something i never thought i would ever say.

AMAZINGLY, today (on DAY 2 of BRIGHT LINE EATING), i am already re-booting my 50 POUNDS TO PASSION blog. here you will see all the things i tried and all the things that failed, not because the don't work, but because even tho i was eating all the right stuff, i was eating too much of it, too often and without control.

i may only on day 2! and you may laugh. you are welcome to laugh, "let's see how long his enthusiasm lasted this time!". but this program will work for me and i will become:


  1. I'm with you my brother. I started by kicking sugar in my coffee after 40 years, what a difference that made. Slowing cutting out the rest. It is a process and you have the strength.

    1. i am learning to let go of who i was, and embracing a new healthy me (70 trillion cells strong)! thank you so much for your comment here mr. dorsey.
