Sunday, December 30, 2012


50 POUNDS TO PASSION is a process of becoming more true to who we are. it is a journey that unfolds daily. i am discovering that one of the secrets to success in this journey is an "attitude of gratitude". maybe it is because this process requires so much giving-up, that there is solace in being grateful for what we have. or maybe it is the other way around, knowing we have so much makes us less greedy for the things we don't really need.
be grateful for your home even if it is not perfect. be grateful for your mind, you can read can't you?. be grateful for the ability to walk each morning. (get up and go! some folks no longer have this option!) be grateful for all the wonderful food choices in the grocery store. not everybody has so many options.
getting rid of extra weight (body-mind-spirit weight) means making right choices every day, every minute. being grateful every day, every minute helps us to make those right choices. it's a kind of preparation. being grateful isn't a church thing. it's a life thing. start your process of change in the new year with a new attitude, an attitude of gratitude.

for more on gratitude you can watch this video. 

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.”


  1. It took many years for me to catch on to this idea but it changed my life for the better.

  2. this seems to be the secret of many great thinkers and achievers.
